CHEMED’s Thoughtful Assistance for Families in Quarantine
While everyone is concerned with the impact of COVID-19 and the risk of spreading the virus, not much has been done to address the plight of families who need to quarantine. Although Cabin Fever is definitely not as serious a condition as coronavirus, avoiding extra stress and psychosocial challenge during these stressful times is important too. To this end, CHEMED in conjunction with the Ocean County Health Department has undertaken an innovative initiative to assist quarantining families. CHEMED conceived and assembled a specially designed Activity and Information Kit for families, to keep them occupied and informed for the duration of the quarantine period. The Quarantine Bag is available absolutely free – one kit per family – and contains a Soduku book, word search book and other activity books, pencils, a coloring book with crayons, pick-up sticks, a dry erase marker and magnet, as well as important and useful information regarding quarantine and isolation guidelines.
Families under quarantine can obtain their Quarantine Bag while supplies last by calling 732-523-7957 or emailing thequarantinebag@chemedhealth.org.
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