Introducing the CHEMED HomeCare powered by TytoCare! Sign-up below
TytoCare, is a handheld device that connects through your smartphone or tablet to your CHEMED physician, creating an enhanced virtual care experience. It's like seeing a doctor in the exam room, without having to leave your home.
Now, you can see a CHEMED provider using the TytoCare device.
For more information emai us at tytocare@chemedhealth.org
This handheld device allows the doctors to:
- Look inside of ears
- Listen to lung sounds
- Listen to heart
- Take temperature
- Look up nose
- Look down throat
- Listen to abdominal sounds
- Diagnose body rashes
- Blood Pressure
- Pulse Oximeter
If you are a CHEMED patient and would like to sign up for a free* CHEMED TytoCare device, please complete the form below:
*The CHEMED TytoCare device is property of CHEMED Health Center. The CHEMED TytoCare device will be used for appointments with CHEMED providers only. CHEMED reserves the right to recall the device at any given time. There will be a fee for lost, stolen or damaged devices.
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